The Coupled Heart Retreat©
How to Create A Wise We
Limited To Seven Couples
THE TRUTH IS CLEAR: Everything that begins ends. Every birth promises a death. So, now that the two of you have given birth to your true love, how do you keep the music playing? How do you make it last? How do you keep your song from fading too fast?
THE COUPLED HEART RETREAT is about deathless love. It is about repeatedly letting go of the old and giving birth to even deeper levels of love. Full, rich, romantic, passionate, committed and lasting love. Never-ending, infinitely growing love. Stable, powerful and joyous.
THE COUPLED HEART RETREAT is designed to help couples explore, understand and act on the intimate secrets of a passionate, lasting romance. Mundane and Spiritual.
• How to be even more romantic.
• Co-Alignment of your goals, missions, visions and purpose.
• The value of a loving, playful and even "Goofy" relationship.
• Spiritual Healing at the deepest levels of your togetherness.
• Provide the tone that makes expressions of love possible.
• Protect the context where true communion occurs.
• Plant the seeds of never-ending, ever-deepening levels of love.
• Nurture, encourage and midwife the birth of each new level of your togetherness.
• The six conditions of a healthy plural identity or ìWise We.î
• The creation of the ultimate unity in the form of a ìWise We.î
• The five developmental levels of ìwe.î
• The nature of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
• How to create a co-operative plural identity.
• In this course, seven couples will learn how to communicate, co-operate, commune, unite and return home even more deeply in love.
Dates: October each year
Location: TBA
Course Fee: TBA per couple. M.C. & Visa accepted.
Lodging Costs: TBA per couple.
Registration: Phone: 714-577-5717. Email: Robert (at)
Send $1,000 non-refundable deposit to Telos Healing Center, 3343 Red Pine Road, Yorba Linda, CA
Written and Presented by Dr. Robert and Rev. Dr. Luzette McDonald
Author, internationally acclaimed speaker, founder of The Destination® Method & co-founder of The Telos Heaeling Center, Dr. Robert is the co-author of Tools of The Spirit. He has created and taught seminars for over 35 years, holds a Doctorate of Divinity, a Master of Science in Counseling and Mental Health and has lectured on the marriage of spirituality and psychotherapy at universities and institutes in 19 countries throughout the world. Rev. Dr. Luzette, co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, is an ordained minister and Destination® Method Trainer who creates and presents seminars for women in the USA & Europe. All of their work is based on the teleological principle that behind every behavior, thought, feeling, and experience are universally acceptable positive purposes seeking self-expression.
®Reg. U.S. Patent & Trademark Office by Dr. Robert McDonald. Worldwide Rights Reserved.