Healing The Wounded Heart©

Core Tools for Coaches & Counselors

“Everything that the human race has done and thought is concerned with satisfaction of deeply felt needs and the assuagement of pain.” Albert Einstein  

This highly focused program answers the question: When emotional discomfort is determined to be unwanted and unnecessary, what specific methodologies will

In just two 6-day weekends of Healing The Wounded Heart: Core Tools for Coaches & Counselors, you will learn and practice precision skills, models, principles and processes which specifically address the following personal issues seen by coaches and counselors: painful memories, grief, depression, internal conflict, anger, phobias, negative internal voices, jealousy, anxiety, damaging belief systems, emotional enmeshment, addiction, issues of self-esteem, self-worth and motivation, and much more. This course is designed to greatly improve your communication and coaching skills and heal your wounded heart, as well. For more specific information regarding Certification, please call us at 714-577-5717.

Who should attend: Anyone interested in healing wounded hearts, their own and/or others. Coaches, counselors, social workers, therapists, ministers, etc. NLP background is not necessary. If you want to effectively help yourself and others, this program is for you!

Dates & Times:  

Location: TBA

Investment: TBA

Limited number of significant discounts available. Reservations (limited to 20 students):

Register Now: Call Luzette at 714-319-8939.

Email: RevLuzette (at) TelosCenter.com

Website: www.TelosCenter.com

Written & Presented by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald and Dr. Luzette McDonald. Author, international speaker, founder of The Destination Method®, co-founder of MyTherapistMatch.com, MyCoachMatch.com, and The Telos Healing Center, Dr. Robert Dee McDonald co-wrote Tools of The Spirit, a transpersonal coaching text. He also co-authored the best selling NLP book of all time, The New Technology of Achievement. Dr. McDonald is the Executive Director of Mental and Spiritual Wellness at the world famous Center for New Medicine, Irvine, California. He is a former Membor of the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He has created and taught seminars worldwide for over 30 years, holds a Doctorate of Divinity, an Master of Science in Counseling and Mental Health, and has lectured on the marriage of spirituality and psychotherapy at several universities in the USA and Europe. R ev. Dr. Luzette, co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, is an ordained minister and Destination Method® Trainer. She creates and presents Sacred Psychology seminars in the USA and Europe. All of their work is based on the teleological principle that behind every behavior, thought and feeling are universally acceptable positive purposes seeking self-expression. 


Endorsement by Dr. Lisa Laurie Stewart:

 "I believe all of life is about our own healing and transformation, and then serving the world from that greater, transformed, more powerful understanding of Life and Principle.

Do something GREAT for yourself - go to Healing The Wounded Heart! Expand your personal power and connection as Spirit, deepen your understanding of yourself and others, and heal your heart.

You will receive and master tools that are beyond compare. I have gone to great lengths to learn from Dr. Robert Dee McDonald and Dr. Luzette McDonald and consider them teachers of my soul. This is personal work that will rock your world. Drink deeply of this teaching. It is wonderful. 

This training changed my life. It gave me many tools for teaching, speaking, and going to the next level in my life. My talks have gotten better, I've grown more clear and less reactive, and I am far less co-dependent in every area of my life. And I am MUCH happier and experience greater congruency between my beliefs, values, joy and actions. Check it out! Oh - and did I mention that I am BOLDER? Yes...it is good

It is increasingly difficult to find teachers as we progress...a teacher's teacher...Robert and Luzette are amazing teachers. I took Healing the Wounded Heart last summer. The experience and the teaching totally transformed my life. It is worth any effort you have to make to get into the next training, which is one week this June and one week this July. I learned many tools, specifically eight processes that I can use on myself, with others, with clients that are life changing and liberating. It is heart work and powerful.

I am now reconnecting to and expanding my own power, my own authentic self in everyday life, in ways that continue to surprise and amaze me. My values, dreams, actions and beliefs are more congruent. I am less co-dependent than I've ever been in my life and that is HUGE. I love this work!

Lisa Laurie Stewart, MA