Healing The Heart of Loss©

~ How to Resolve Grief of Every Kind ~

Written and Presented by

Dr. Robert Dee McDonald & Rev. Dr. Luzette McDonald

Grief is a powerful and painful emotional reaction to loss of anything or anyone we value. We typically feel grief in our chest as emptiness and concavity. We grieve over the loss of dreams, people, places, things, activities and more. Shocking images and painful memories are associated with grief but, strictly speaking, are not grief itself. In this extraordinarily powerful, yet compassionate, workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn much more than the following:

• How to Fully Resolve Grief of Every Kind

• The Precise Steps from Grief to Gratitude

• Who, What, When, How and Why We Grieve

• The Internal Structure of All Grief, Shock & Trauma

• How to Pre-Grieve an Impending Loss

• How Grief is Related to Shock and Trauma

• How to Recognize and Integrate the Gifts of Grief

Dates & Times: TBA

Location: TBA

Investment: TBA MC & Visa

Reservations: Tel: 714-577-5717 • Email: RevLuzette@TelosCenter.com. Seating limited.

Fees are non-refundable

Written and Presented by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald & Rev. Dr. Luzette McDonald.

Author, internationally acclaimed speaker, founder of The Destination Method® and co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is a survivor of his father's suicide and the deaths of three siblings. He wrote his Masters Thesis on Unresolved Grief Reactions in Survivors of Suicide and co-wrote Tools of The Spirit: Pathways to the Realization of Universal Innocence. Robert has created and taught seminars for over 40 years, holds a Doctorate of Divinity, an M.S. in Counseling and Mental Health, and has lectured on the marriage of spirituality and psychotherapy at several universities in the USA and Europe. Rev. Dr. Luzette, a survivor of her first husband's suicide, co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, is an ordained minister and Destination Method® Trainer who creates and presents seminars for women in the USA & Europe. All of their work is based on the teleological principle that behind every behavior, thought, and feeling are universally acceptable positive purposes seeking self-expression. www.TelosCenter.com.