Dynamic Listening, Metaphors, and Core Belief Change©

Become a Great Communicator:

Dr. Robert teaches with warmth and humor to awaken your creativity. Learn the secrets of profound listening skills that will change your life forever and, at the same time, empower you to help children as well as adults. You will also have the skills to access their unconscious minds via healing stories and metaphors. If you are committed to personal and professional confidence, you belong in this course.

What You Will Learn: 

• How to be certain that you have listened at the deepest possible level. 

• How to deeply listen and help people through conversation and story telling. 

• A variety of precision skills useful in coaching, counseling and business settings

• Communication skills useful in business, with friends, family and children.

• The finest tools for success and deep healing of body, mind and Spirit.

Who Should Attend: 

• Anyone in a relationship with business associates, significant others, friends and family

• Professional coaches and counselors of all kinds

• Anyone with a sincere desire to help adults and children personally or professionally


"I thought I was a good listener until I took this class. During the training I got down on my knees and apologized to my wife because I realized I had never really listened before." Bill Parker

"From the skills I learned in this class, I helped an 8 year old child resolve her inability to speak to anyone. Her family and teachers are amazed. I am profoundly thankful." Maddie Savoie, Counselor

'“My four year old son has shown no sign of asthma since I worked with Dr. Robert and Dr. Luzette. After listening to my son's metaphor-story, our family told it to him. He is now healthy and free of medication for the first time in his life. I am so happy." Brandy Peacock, Teacher

Dates & Times: TBA

Location: TBA

Investment: TBA

Register Now: 714-577-5717; Robert (at) TelosCenter.com

Visa/MC welcome. Seating is Limited. 

Written & Presented by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald and Dr. Luzette McDonald

Creator of The Destination Method®, author, international speaker, co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, MyCoachMatch.com, and MyTherapistMatch.com, Dr. Robert Dee McDonald is the co-author of Tools of The Spirit, a Transpersonal Psychology text, and the best selling NLP book of all time, The New Technology of Achievement. Dr. Robert has taught workshops in 19 countries around the world for over 35 years, holds a Doctorate in Theology, a Master of Science in Counseling and Mental Health, is a former Member of the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA, and, for 6 years, was the creator Director of Mental and Spiritual Wellness at the world-famous Center for New Medicine. Rev. Dr. Luzette, co-founder of The Telos Healing Center, is an OrdainedMinister and Destination Method® Trainer. She is also a former Master Coach at The Center for New Medicine. All of their work is based on the teleological principle that behind every behavior, thought and feeling are universally acceptable positive purposes seeking self-expression. www.TelosCenter.com