Ultimate Communication Skills

Assertion, Empathy & Forgiveness

  • Assertion & Speaking Up: Be Strong. If we say “Yes” to everything asked of us, if we cannot say “No,” then all our “Yeses” become meaningless.  

  • Empathy & Deep Listening: Belong. On the other hand, if we say “No” to everything asked of us, if we cannot say “Yes,” then all our “No’s” become powerless.  

  • Acceptance & Forgiveness: Be Kind. If we can't “Let Go,” if we hold on to hurt, then using the level of thinking that caused the wounds, we try in vain to heal our wounded hearts, 

  • True Love: Be New provides a context for profound personal exploration and acquisition of our most important relationship skills: “Yes,” “No” and “Let Go.” In this seminar, you will learn the tools of deep communication: How to be open, how to be closed and how to forgive and remember, as well as forgive and forget.  

Learn How To:

• Stand up for yourself   

• Listen with compassion

• Forgive the Unforgivable

• Resolve Painful Memories

• Determine Who Owns the Problem

• Find the Hidden Gifts in Difficult Relationships
• Celebrate True Love with Real Communication

When: TBA

Where: TBA

Investment: TBA

Special rate available.

Register: Call 714-319-8939; Email Robert@TelosCenter.com. Package deals available.

This course qualifies as a prerequisite for Certification as a Destination Coach. Fees are non-refundable.

Written & Presented by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald & Dr. Luzette McDonald.