Descriptions of the 28 Courses

Many of our courses meet the qualifications for continuing education units for Marriage and Family Therapists and/or Licensed Clinical Social Workers as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, provider #2440. Also, all of our courses can be applied to various degree programs (BA, MA and DD) with The Emerson Theological Institute.

Brief descriptions of each course

  • The profound Spiritual Insights of the New Thought Movement have been combined with the technical know-how of structured mental science. The long awaited marriage of the Heart (insight) and the Sword (technology) has taken place. Nearly every conscious change is simply a new arrangement of what already exists. Learn how to go beyond mere construction and fully Activate the Creative Order. Extraordinary.

  • Learn how your beliefs create mental mediocrity; how the Sacred and psychology agree; and then take precise steps to free yourself from any limiting belief. Profound and powerful.

  • This is The Telos Center's flagship training course. It is an essential Destination Coaching MethodÆ Training. It provides Coach Training, and much more, for aspiring or accomplished coaches who want to secure the finest skills for personal transformation, presented with an emphasis on compassion and ethics. May be divided into 2, 3 or 4 segments. This is a Certification Course.

  • The finest listening skills on the planet coupled with the joy of healing through stories and metaphors makes this one of our most requested courses. This is a Certification Course.

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about the history, nature, powers and limitations of Destination Coaching. Typically a two day course. This is a Certification Course.

  • The Deep Structure of the Mind - This is an advanced course designed to profoundly deepen the understanding and skills of NLP practitioners, master practitioners and Destination MethodÆ graduates. May be divided into two or four segments. This is a Certification Course.

  • Releases each individual from those addictions and emotional attachments which have held them in bondage: Addiction to people, places, things, activities and information. Includes addiction theory and practice of methods.

  • Emotionally resolves and integrates most co-dependent issues by using the heart of compassion and the laser-like tools of the DestinationÆ Coaching Method technology. Emphasizes personal relationships in couples, families and business contexts.

  • Provides interpersonal communication skills at their finest, for singles and couples. How to fully express your "yes, no and let go".

  • The Destination Coaching MethodÆ in service of prosperity and abundance helps to remove blocks to wealth and to identifying and manifesting your goals, mission, vision and purpose.

  • Learn and use the Mission Detection© Process to find your true calling in life. Finally release yourself from mediocrity and get on with your life.

  • Extraordinarily powerful skills for systematically creating the context for personal genius to emerge. The Destination Method at its finest! Students discover their personal mission in life and work with the six pre-conditions of genius, giving birth to the new and unprecedented! Rave reviews! Unlike anything you have ever experienced before!

  • The entire course is in service of the Conscious Evolution of Genius, as we model the specific language and behavior involved. You will learn the six necessary conditions for the emergence of Genius, personally experience giving birth to the new and carefully create a model for Genius in yourself and others.

  • It is about repeatedly letting go of the old and giving birth to even deeper levels of love. Forgive and remember your full, rich, romantic, passionate, committed and lasting love. The retreat is designed to help seven couples explore, understand and act on the intimate secrets of a passionate, lasting romance. An integration of the worldly and the Spiritual.

  • Provides profound experiences of self-esteem, self-worth and self-love. For individuals and couples who want the very best. A deeply personal exploration of one's self.

  • Provides specific NLP and DestinationÆ Method technology to transform most limiting behaviors, memories and experiences into personal empowerment. Learn and use the Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Swishes.

  • Teaches how to resolve selected experiences of shock and loss. Uses the Grief Resolution Ceremony, Trauma Process and the Visual Swish.

  • Provides NLP and Destination MethodÆ technologies to transform limiting, negative self-assessments and beliefs into positive ones. Uses several Belief Change methods.

  • Provides profound state of the art NLP and DestinationÆ Method technology and the vision to embrace and deepen various relationships with the Divine Mystery.

  • Completely transforms participantsí experience of the source and use of individual and collective genius. State of the art NLP and DestinationÆ Method technologies.

  • Provides an extraordinary combination of NLP and DestinationÆ Method technologies which deepen our personal and interpersonal relationships with the Fruits of the Spirit.

  • A total immersion into communication skills which will transform our relationship with the opposite sex.

  • Negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution skills useful for personal and professional development. Uses reframing, meta-outcomes, and parts work.

  • A Dream is part of an ongoing Intimate Conversation with your Deep Self. You will learn and practice a variety of powerful Dream skills, models, principles and processes which you can apply to yourself and others for personal insight and action.

  • How to Open, Close and Forgive. How to see and sing and dance the praises of your past, irrespective of its content.

  • Resolve your fears of prosperity of any kind. Increase self-confidence.

  • How to heal even the most painful memories. Learn the structure of fear, anxiety and traumatic memories.

  • Specifically designed for healing the healer in body, emotions, mind and Spirit. A Spiritually deep exploration, understanding and action.